CEO of MMHHF Handoff Donation to Participants in December 2023

On her visit to Sierra Leone, the CEO of Mending Minds and Healing Heart Foundation Ms. Elizabeth Theresa Davies held a seminar with community stakeholders and participants within the community of Jui, Freetown. In her address the CEO stated that “ to hoist the use of drug abuse in Sierra Leone every stakeholders has to be on board along with the governmental agencies to fight against all forms of drug abuse. The government are playing their part to grapple on the usage of drug by the youths therefore non-governmental organization has a key role to align their campaign on this national epidemic”

“Stakeholders have a major role to play in eradicating drug abuse within our community setting so that our youths will have a drug free environment, where they can empower themselves and their communities. She pleaded to stakeholders to be committed because the community relied on their information.”


Mental Health Awareness Month