What We Do

We are on a mission

Vision Statement

Mending Minds and Healing Hearts Foundation (MMHF) is dedicated to creating an environment free from any type of abuse leading to mental health challenges in Sierra Leone. We believe that providing a wide range of charitable wellness focused services and promoting community development activities will enhance social-emotional development among youth and young adult and prevent challenges relating to mental health by giving them the opportunity to speak out. We will use evidence-based approaches in our work with youths, young adults, and communities. We will work with existing institutions providing education, counseling, mental health services, trained staff, provide conducive work environment, and implement effective mental health campaign. At the same time promote good self-esteem and confidentiality.

Mission Statement

The mission of Mending Minds and Healing Hearts Foundation (MMHF) is to provide quality counseling, education, abuse free environment, reinstate the dignity of our beneficiaries and provide reliable information to policy makers, international partners and the public about mental health situation in Sierra Leone, its prevention and control, treatment, and impact on nation building. We are dedicated to strengthening protective factors against all forms of abuse leading to mental disorders, reducing stigma of mental health, and encourage individuals to seek early help.

Project Aim

We aim to provide a supportive environment for people who are going through any form of abuse that are leading to mental health challenges such as: depression and anxiety. We stive to mitigate the impact of neglect, loneliness, and stressful conditions in out community.